Learning disabilities

FAQs: Learning disabilities

Can a child with a learning disability use the program?

While the Reading Kingdom has been designed for children with typical abilities, children with learning disabilities can definitely benefit from it. As a prestigious government report acknowledges, 80 percent of children with learning disabilities are in special education "simply because they haven't learned to read." They are "instructional casualties and not students with disabilities."

Can the Reading Kingdom work with children diagnosed with dyslexia?

The Reading Kingdom is definitely useful for children diagnosed with dyslexia. The system has been designed to teach a range of skills vital to reading but omitted from other programs. Many of these skills are precisely the ones that children with dyslexia need to develop. For example, the children often have problems with visual memory so that even when they have seen a word many times, they do not recognize it. The teaching of visual memory is a key part of The Reading Kingdom. Other features of the program address the specific language deficits associated with dyslexia, such as the notable difficulties the children have with the "little" words such as "there, who, of, etc." In combination, these aspects of The Reading Kingdom work to steadily build the skills children need to become fluent readers and writers.

Can the Reading Kingdom work for children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?

Children with ADD typically blossom with use of the Reading Kingdom. Central to the children's problems are difficulties in being diligent with "boring" activities. That's why their spelling is often so weak and inconsistent. In a single paragraph, a child may write a word like night in several different ways (e.g., nite, knight, niet). As the name of the syndrome tells us, the kind of attention to detail that spelling requires is a Herculean task for them. But if the children are to progress, it is vital that they develop a reasonable level of diligence. This can be done--but it must be achieved through small, clear, manageable activities that never leave the children feeling overwhelmed. That is precisely how The Reading Kingdom sessions are constructed. They are also designed to minimize error so that the children consistently feel the success that keeps them willing to learn.